This book had come up as a source used by YT CC Dr Angela Puca (Angela's Symposium) in her video "Qliphotic Magic explained with@TheEsotericaChannel" (09/20/24). The book had also been cited and referenced in other videos and online articles I had been reviewing as well. I then began to price it out on the internet, but after having some "wince factor" in light of my current book budget I put off getting a copy.
When I saw it come up as an option at Miskatonic Books for this reasonable price I knew this was the time to get the book. I must have overlooked the part or just assumed based on price it wouldn't be a hand-numbered and sigiled book but it is.
Whether you have a collegial or detractor stance towards Karlsson or what he espouses, this book keeps surfacing enough in Qliphotic magick and theory it has to be navigated. The book strikes a nice balance with construction quality, size, and price as listed here on Miskatonic Books.