In German and Latin. On white, brown and grey-green paper. The title within an ornamental border in wash, with skulls, skeletons and cross-bones. Illustrated with 31 extraordinary water-colour drawings of demons, and three pages of magical and cabbalistic signs and sigils, etc. At the end the figures are in red, and part of the text is written in white on the grey-green paper.
Originals held by: Wellcome Library.
This grimoire was created between 1700 and 1800’s, and the original is a full color book of 112 pages.
This ‘facsimile’ edition we’re working on will be as close to the original copy as possible.
We have fully edited the images so that the images in the book are exactly the same size as the page size of the book, making it appear as if you are holding the original copy in person.