Book Spotlight: Holy Daimon


This week Miskatonic Books is spotlighting Frater Acher’s Holy Daimon, the 2nd edition which is now in stock and shipping as both a limited and deluxe hardcover.

About Holy Daimon

Holy Daimon is issued in a new edition, with 18 illustrations by Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal. This first volume of Frater Acher’s Holy Daimon cycle is the result of more than ten years of ritual and theoretical magical research, and is comprised of three parts: History, Memory and Practice, providing a well-grounded introduction, as well as a practical path to creating communion with one’s holy daimon.

Rather than drawing on Abramelin or Crowley’s Liber Samekh, Frater Acher returns to the source, analysing the daimon as it was experienced in three cultures, Chaldean, Zoroastrian and Ancient Greek. These give a necessary overview to contextualise the material that follows, and restores the daimon to its central place in the journey of attainment.

Acher then gives a full account of his own personal communion with his holy daimon. As a magical record of a modern practitioner it is an important testimony for those embarking on the path, and a rare account given the secrecy within which most practitioners operate.

In the third and final section of the work Acher gives his streamlined exercises for attaining communion with the daimon; culminating in a fully restored rite from the Greek Magical Papyri.

Whilst the author’s focus is on enabling hands-on magical work, the book is not a traditional grimoire or grammar of magic; the work is of a deeply mystical nature.

Holy Daimon review excerpt

“There aren’t many esoteric authors today producing works with the kind of allure Frater Acher has achieved. His open and honest style has allowed him to combine anonymity with approachability, backed up by a level of scholarship and depth of understanding that many publications lining occult bookstores are not able to muster.”

— Future Conscience

About the Author

Frater Acher is the author of as well as a friend and collaborator of Quareia Magical Training. He holds an MA in Communications Science, Intercultural Communications and Psychology as well as certifications in Systemic Coaching and Gestalt Therapy. He has studied Western Ritual Magic in theory and practice at I.M.B.O.L.C. ( and has been actively involved in magic as a lone practitioner for more than twenty years. Frater Acher is a German national, and after several years of living abroad, he is now resident in Munich, Germany. Previous publications include Cyprian of Antioch: A Mage of Many Faces (Quareia Press 2017) and Speculum Terræ (Hadean Press 2018).

The Holy Daimon online project is a resource dedicated to research into, and the translation of ritual manuscripts from the 15th to 18th century with a focus on texts of daimonic theurgy.

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