Fine condition in Fine dust jacket. 147 pages, 1989 book is 5×7.
Gillette, NJ: Heptangle Books, 1989. Revised Edition. Hardcover. Original purple cloth with printed paper spine label, appendices and index. Printed letterpress, rubricated title-page.
The second (substantially revised) Heptangle Books edition of ‘the Chaldean Oracles’ – poetic fragments commonly attributed to ‘Zoroaster,’ but assigned by recent scholarship to Julianus the theurgist, who lived during the third century CE.
The book was considered of some importance within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and Crowley clearly made use of it when constructing his Liber XXV (Ritual of the Star Ruby).
The text is drawn mostly from that which was originally edited and revised by W. Wynn Wescott (Sapere Aude), a prominent early member of the Golden Dawn, for his 1895 edition. The first Heptangle Books edition was published in 1978.
This second edition (1989) has been substantially revised, and includes an Introduction by Golden Dawn member Percy Bullock that was not used in the first Heptangle edition, and other additional material, including references to more recent scholarship.
Published by Daniel Driscoll (1944 – 1990) who under his Heptangle imprint was one of the pioneers of late twentieth century private press grimoire production.
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THE CHALDAEAN ORACLES As Set Down By Julianus - Hardcover Edition Published by Heptangle