This book is 6×9, red cover, no dust jacket, 235 pages. Every book is a signed copy. There are only 200 hardback, signed copies. Book is in new unread condition.
Publisher: Cornelius Press
Is Thelema a religion? Who are the Secret Chiefs? What are the Khabs and the Khu? Who or what is LAM? These questions and over a hundred more are answered in this pithy and entertaining book on Thelemic philosophy. Skip around and read as thou wilt!
If you are interested in pursuing Thelema, this book is for you—regardless if you are officially in the A.’.A.’. or not. After all, Crowley designed his system so that anyone in the world could become a Thelemite. We believe that to be a proper Thelemite, you must first be familiar with the terms, phrases and basic principles of our philosophy.
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2.0 lbs
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THE ALEISTER CROWLEY PRIMER: For Those who ARE Willing to be Shunned! by J. Edward and Erica M Cornelius - Signed Limited Edition Hardcover