TitleStarfire : A Journal of the New Aeon – Vol. 1 No. 2 1987 [The Official Organ of the Ordo Templi Orientis]
STARFIRE Volume 1 Number 2 April 1987 “A Magazine of the New Aeon” A4 size, 52 pages. Thelemic journal of the then Typhonian OTO. Contents: Foreword Liber Oz Cults of Cthulhu (Peter Smith) The Leaper of the Abyss (Peter Smith) The Hiss of the Serpent (Stephen Dziklewicz) The Eye of the Abyss (Lindsey Calvert) Women and Liber Oz (Ann Campbell) The Vaisnava-Sahajiya Cult of Bengal 2 (Ian Renwick) Two Poems (Ann Campbell) Ixaxaar (Peter Smith) The OTO After Crowley (Michael Staley) The Vampire Vortex (Peter Smith) The Twin terminals and the Tree (Kenneth Cox) Yuggoth (Peter Smith) Magazine is in near fine condition.
Publshed by Starfire Publications
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Starfire: A Magazine of the Aeon - Vol. 1 No. 2 - Magazine 1987