Deluxe full leather in blood red kidskin, gold blocked seal of O.T.O and grand Master Baphomet. Limited to 42 slipcased copies, with inset image of the alchemical art card from Clrowley’s Book of Thoth. Spanish ripple marbled endpapers.
Amor Divina: The secret of occult sex magic (or ‘Magick’ as the English occultist Aleister Crowley defined it) is focused in its entirety on the study, magnification, gathering and direction of life-force within the body and mind of the practitioner. This life-force manifests within the human being in the form of sexual energy or prana, a psycho-physical energy which has supernatural potential. Contents:
Introduction. Hymn to Pan with performance notes by A. Crowley. The Gnostic Neo-Christians by T. Reuss
Sex, 666, & the O.T.O. by G.J. Yorke. General Documents on the Sexual Secret of Magick:
A.M.R.I.T.A. The Elixir of Life The Elixir of Life from the diary of A. Crowley, June 7, 1919
The Elixir of Life: Our Magical Medicine. Remarkable Experiment with the Elixir of Life. Amrita (1933)
Additional Cases: On Liber XV: Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ. Liber Artemis Iota. Secret Papers of the OTO:. A Private Letter of Parzival X° (V°) by C.S. Jones. De Natura Deorum (VII°). Letter from Crowley to Jones re VII°. De Nuptiis Deorum cum Hominibus (VIII°). Liber C vel AGAPE (IX°). De Arte Magica. IX° Emblems & Their Mode of Use. Liber Qoph: Gnosticorum Missa Minor. Adorations for IX° Working. De Homunculo Epistola (X°). The Holy Hymns to the Great Gods of Heaven. Crowley to G.L. McMurtry re IX°. XI Degree OTO
C.S. Jones to G.J. Yorke re XI°
Appendices: O.T.O. Degrees & How They Relate to Freemasonry. Marcelo Motta‘s Revision of Liber C
VIII° & IX° ―Secrets. Two Essays by G.J. Yorke: Tantric Hedonism & Tantric Theory. G.M. Cowie Address to London O.T.O. (1916). Epistle from Frater Achad to Sister Katherine Talbot (1918)
An O.T.O. Interpretation of the Trigrams of the I Ching by W.T. Smith. Liber Stellæ Rubeæ, Bibliography and Notes