Limited edition hardcover of only 55 hand numbered copies. Hard cover with the art of Nigrae Edictium. Includes a ritual music cd called “Hyphernated Identities by Sean woodward. 152pp, Published in 2021.
Book is in new unread condition
Published by Sirius Limited Esoterica
From the publisher:
The new opus of Qliphoth, consist as the other volumes, an anthology of sorcery and witchcraft including diverse essays and illustrations from diverse authors and artists worldwide. The elder arcanum and secret gnosis revealed through a volume full of enigmatic passages and mysterious revelations. Echoes of elder magickal transmissions, and sabbatic craft now revealed through 152 pages. Each opus reveals diverse methods of witchcraft and sorcery as a nexus for the awakening in man, through self-knowledge and experiences based on each opus.
The book includes interesting articles such as.:
In the Hands of the Violent Divine: Magickal Acts of Devotional Violence
by Shea Bilé
The Devil’s Due
by Kyle Fite
Mammon – The Hunger Within
by Asenath Mason
Invoking the Enochian Elemental Forces of ‘The Tablet of Union’
by Aion 131
Thaumiel: Final Ravine of Universe and True Seeing
by Thomas Karlsson
Zothyrian Meta-Magick
by Sean Woodward
Planetary Magick, an Introduction
by Bill Duvendack
The Art of Lucid Dreaming
by Ricardo Meyer
The Metaphysical Mouth – An Introduction
by André Consciência
The Beginning and the End
by Raven Stronghold
The Vessel of the spirits
by Edgar kerval
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2.0 lbs
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QLIPHOTH OPUS IX: Arcanum Diaboli - Limited Edition Hardcover with Ritual Music CD