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First edition hardcover edition, 355 pages.
Book is in fine unread condition
Published by Become a Living God
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The initiatory guide that you’re about to discover, Encyclopædia of Wamphyrism, is truly unique and historic in the Chain of Vampirism. Many grimoires such as The Ars Goetia and The Lemegeton exist, giving the exact names, sigils, and procedures for communing with demonic entities. However, a massive encyclopædic grimoire of the Undead Masters like mine has never existed in the lineage of the Blood Pool until now.
My first grimoire, Draugadróttinn: Lord of the Undead, presented a magickal system of Vampirism based on over a decade of personal research. In the grimoire, I unveiled the different aspects of the Necromantic current, known today as Vampirism, and having as its objective the Quest for Immortality.
With my second grimoire, Scholomance: The Order of the Dragon, it became my mission to accurately transmit the old teachings inherited from my private mentors within the Green Order. In it, I presented the Draculean Initiation system as it was practiced by our Elders in previous centuries, through the Dark Gift and the Sacred Magic of Abramelin. This book revealed Vampiric Magick as it was practiced in Europe since the age of Emperor Sigismund and Barbara de Cilly, while giving a complete system of initiation into the Art of the Strigois. In the second part, I unveiled the Brotherhood of the Night, a non-exhaustive list of 15 beings who had lived a human existence, and who, having freed themselves from it through Undead Magick, had gained an astral form of Immortality.
Over the last couple years, my pioneering magick of the Blood Pool became the subject of hundreds of emails, conversations, and consultations with fellow Black Magicians. This motivation brought me to author this new third grimoire, Encyclopædia of Vampirism — to innovate the first encyclopædia of 45 Vampiric Adepts and Undead Masters in occult history.
From the Egyptian myth of Osiris, to certain Nordic and pre-Celtic mysteries, my mentors in the Green Order carried out priceless research and rituals across magickal traditions, awakening their ancient powers and the knowledge of their distant and ancient civilizations. Many them asserted a common origin in their traditions of Immortality, asserting that this was the fruit of prehistoric gnosis, whether inherited from pagan deities, or even having come from outside the confines of our universe.
Dear reader, you must recognize that the commonalities across ancient and medieval civilizations in their Quest for Immortality almost always features the magick of the Vampire. While the differences in their cultures gave different faces to the Undead Adepts, the underlying Quest for Immortality remained ever present.
This unprecedented encyclopædia has compiled works of my own, my deceased predecessors, and my living comrades. Every one of the 45 Lords of the Undead presented in this grimoire will possess all the documentation and records of magick innate to them, and an initiatory ritual to work with them.
I present every one of the Adepts with their Vampiric characteristics, and offer different pathworkings for the Initiates to venture into the Draculean Chain and rise on the Path of Spiritual Immortality. Their priceless teachings can be worked individually as a standalone spirit, or they can combine into the current of your lifelong Vampiric working. I present the complete table of the Undead Masters with whom you will commune in Encyclopædia of Wamphyrism below. Please know that this does not even scratch the surface of the 45 Adepts…
Encyclopædia of Wamphyrism | |
1. Modern Systems & Traditional Black Magick | p.15 |
2. The Vampire | p.19 |
3. Tools of Power | p.23 |
The Grand Encyclopædia | |
4. Tiamat: The Dragon Goddess & Mother of Predators | p.37 |
5. Mot: The Omnipresent Undead One | p.43 |
6. Akhkharu: The Great Shadow of Sumer | p.51 |
7. Cladh Hallan: Cult of the Winged Ones | p.57 |
8. Astovidad: The Night Flyer of Persia | p.65 |
9. Pazuzu: King of the Lilûs | p.73 |
10. Labartu: Who Howls Like a Furious Hound | p.81 |
11. Lilitu: She Who Ignites Desire | p.87 |
12. Nergal: Vampiric God of War | p.93 |
13. Osiris: God of the Undead in Ancient Egypt | p.103 |
14. Unas: Pharaoh Who Devours the Gods | p.111 |
15. Lykaon: The First Werewolves of Ancient Greece | p.119 |
16. Achilles: The Undefeated One | p.125 |
17. Lamia: The Serpent Queen | p.131 |
18. Noctulius: God of the Night | p.139 |
19. Zalmoxis: Father of the Strigois | p.149 |
20. The Varcolac: Wolves Who Feed on the Sun & Moon | p.153 |
21. Ker Ys: The Sunken City | p.157 |
22. Daoist Immortals: The Eternal Magicians | p.165 |
23. Abhartach: The Vampire of Slaghtaverty | p.173 |
24. Taira No Masakado: The Immortal of Feudal Japan | p.181 |
25. Glamr: The Draugr Mythos of Iceland | p.185 |
26. Þráinn King of Valland: The Witch King of Valland | p.193 |
27. The Wild Hunt: The Phantom Hunters of Wotan | p.201 |
28. Baron of Brecy: The Blood Knight | p.207 |
29. The Dearg-Due: The Red Blood-Sucker of Ireland | p.215 |
30. Camazotz: The Death Bat & Bat Men of Mesoamerica | p.221 |
31. The Lord of the Forest: 15th Century France | p.229 |
32. The Barbaro: Dark Lords of the Venetian Lagoon | p.237 |
33. Barbara de Cilli: Mistress of the Order of the Dragon | p.245 |
34. Dracula: The Voivode Lord of the Undead | p.251 |
35. Karakoncolos: The Night the Witches Fly | p.261 |
36. The Baobhan Sith: Vampirism in Scotland | p.269 |
37. Zsofia Seredy: The Eternal Lady of Krasna Horka | p.275 |
38. The Dark One: The Black Swordsman | p.281 |
39. Peter Plogojowitz: The Strigoi of Kisilova | p.287 |
40. Arno Paole: The Bloodthirster of Serbia | p.293 |
41. Jure Grando: The Black Shadow of Kringa | p.301 |
42. Sava Savanović: The Immortal of Zarozje | p.309 |
43. Giacomo Casanova: The Occultist of Venice | p.317 |
44. Elizabeth Demidoff: The Vampire Baroness & Her Prize | p.325 |
45. Count Borolojovak: The Gentleman of Darkness | p.333 |
46. The Sellala: The Mauritanian Bloodline | p.337 |
47. Elias: Keeper of the Witch City | p.343 |
48. Oricham the Dark: Last Master of the Order of the Dragon | p.349 |
N.D. Blackwood | p.353 |
Become A Living God | p.355 |
Wamphyrism is the mystical quest for the ego’s immortality. The practitioners of modern Vampirism are the descendants of followers of the Cult of the Undead, such as those practiced within the Dragon Lineage, particularly the time when Romania was the bastion of this tradition. In the past, Initiates obtained ascendancy through the realization of a Body of Black Light, which survives physical expiration by feeding on the vital energies of creation. As the Adept practices, they develop an appearance of eternal youth, for they have perfectly integrated two fundamental techniques: the out-of-body experience and the appropriation of vital essence.
Throughout their life, the Initiate is aided in this endeavor by one or several Undead Masters, i.e., Elders who have achieved what they sought to accomplish: the creation of an ascended black-light body. This could be an ancestor, an elder of a lodge, the spirit of a renowned practitioner of the Occult Arts who gained notoriety in their region, or even a deity. Through a subtle process, these entities exchange their own vital essence with their disciples, thereby ensuring their evolution and transforming the latter into beings in their own image. In exchange for this, the Undead Lord is nourished by the vital essence given by the Adept. Night after night, new abilities will emerge in the latter, often differing among Initiates depending on their latent skills. In many cases, this is also accompanied by a physical transformation. In some instances, the bond between the Adept and their Master is so strong that it guarantees eternity, with the former thus joining the latter in the current to perpetually propagate the Draculean Chain.
In my new encyclopedic grimoire, Encyclopedia of Wamphyrism: The Vampiric Chain from Ancient to Modern Times, I have recorded 45 world historic Ascended Beings, from antique civilizations to the present day, as well as the unique rituals that allow the Adept to call them to manifestation. It is the largest book ever written on the subject from an occult point of view. Reading through their initiatory chapters and familiarizing yourself with each of them will empower you to determine whom you would like to chose as your mentor, and enter a pact with that will guarantee your apprenticeship.
Please know that this master-grimoire contains 365 pages and 48 chapters. These humble introductions below give you only the smallest of taste to a few Undead Masters from the massive Encyclopædia. The colossal book itself expands bigly on these Ascended Beings.
Noctulius: The God Of Night
It would be impossible for me to author an occult encyclopedia without giving a most complete chapter to the God of Night, He who Devours, Noctulius. In his grimoire, I reveal to you my own evocation experiences and gnosis with the Initiator, as well as my most secret ritual to establish contact with the Laughter of the Savage. For those willing to undertake this Path, an Iron Heart will be needed, for Noctulius will bring you to the highest form of predatory magick and evolution beyond our sphere of existence.
Tiamat: The Dragon Goddess & Mother of Predators
One of the most ancient Vampiric archetypes can be traced to the Goddess Tiamat, Mother of Darkness, and mother of both demons, and through her blood, of humanity. In the grimoire of this chapter, you will discover a unique ritual destined to reconnect yourself with your Inner Shadow and commune with the Primordial Dragon.
Akhkharu: The Great Shadow of Ancient Sumer
One of the first vampires, the Akhkharu, the Great Shadows of ancient Sumer are believed by many to be among the first human to ascend to the Undead status. In this chapter, I provide a ritual that will allow you to call upon this spirits from their immortal lairs, and commune with them. By this sacred ritual, you will exchange a part of your own life essence with them.
Pazuzu: King Of The Lilûs
In this chapter you’ll discover the protective function of the Vampiric figure during the Mesopotamian era. Pazuzu is both destroyer and protector against any disease. This chapter contain a ritual destined to craft a talisman of protection, placing you under the constant watch of the Kings of Lilus.
Mot: The Omnipresent Undead One
In the grimoire of this chapter, I present to you the work of my Adept comrade who specializes in working with Mot, the omnipresent Vampire God, who is both linked to the Undead Current, the Demonic, and Death. The grimoire contains a powerful ritual to start your working inside the current of the Canaan God.
Labartu: She Who Howls Like A Hound
Daughter of the Hight One, Labartu is undeniably one of the most ferocious vampires whom I have encountered in my ascendant work. Uniting with her essence, you will understand the very nature of Baneful Magick and be able to perform the Vampiric Arts second to none.
Astovidad: The Evil Night Flyer
The Night Flyer of ancient Persia is one of the most feared lieutenants of Ahriman, the Lord of the Left Hand Path. Through the ritual of communion with Astovidad delivered in this grimoire, you will be able to easily travel out of your physical body, to explore the Plane of Dreams and invade the dreams of others.
Nergal, Extraterrestrials, And The Outer Gods
There are multiples theories about the origin of Wamphyrism. In this chapter, we will explore the hypothesis of the extraterrestrial origin of the Undead Current, and the theories of the Draconic Great Old Ones, or Outer Gods. The ritual revealed in this chapter will attract to you the attention of Beings that ignored your existence until now.
Osiris: The God Of Undeath
Behind the classical myth of Osiris and Seth lies a reality that can be associated with the Undead Current. In this chapter, you will discover the secret magick used by ancient priests to prepare the bodies of the dead for eternity, as it was done for Osiris himself by the hand of his wife Isis. When applied, this ritual technique allows the carnal body to became an anchor on the physical plane for the coming centuries, while the spirit will be free to explore the higher planes.
Pharaoh Unas: Devourer Of The Gods
In this grimoire, you will discover the mysteries of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh-King who deified into a god after his physical death, through an act of Spiritual Wamphyrism, by feeding upon the essence of the gods themselves. This chapter will present a reconstructed ritual, inspired by The Cannibal Hymn found in the Tomb of Unas, in order to prepare your devouring spirit for eternal life on the Spiritual Plane.
Lykaon: The First Werewolves Of Ancient Greece
Through the story of the first werewolf recorded by ancient Greeks, and the mysteries of the Lykaia festival that was once practiced upon Wolf Mountain, we will explore the practice of Lycanthropy, or shapeshifting your astral body into that of predatory beast, through lunar rays, magickal trance, and sigil magick.
Achilles: The Undefeated One
In the grimoire of this chapter, we will discuss the presence of blood sacrifice in one of the most ancient European text, the Iliad. You will learn about the Cult of Achilles among ancient warriors, from Greek to Roman, how the classical heroes have achieved a form of immortality, and how blood was believed to have properties that feed the hungry gods.
Lamia: The Serpent Queen
You will discover the spiritual figure of Lamia, a formidable Goddess and Initiator, versed in the arts of predatory acts. In the grimoire of this chapter, I will reveal to you my own favorite methodology to enter in communion with her for gnosis of your own too.
Ker Ys: The Sunken City
The magic of Ker Ys, known in Britany as the sunken city, possesses a hidden Vampiric nature, and a strong association with Blood Magick. For decades, this unhallowed place has been the point of attraction of many covens and solitary magician, both for exploring the ruins of the antique city, and projecting themselves on the Plane of Dreams to receive initiation from those who inhabit it. This grimoire will contain my own practice with the Forgotten City, and how you can replicate this experience for yourself.
The Daoist Method Of Immortality
While the Strigoi magick is proper to Eastern Europe, the methodology of immortality that Vampires use has been known all across the earth. In this grimoire, you will learn the similarities between our modern practices and those developed by the Chinese Daoists, such as their common magical traits and differences, and how modern researchers can take inspirations from foreign lands to complete there own.
Abhartach: The Vampire of Slaghtaverty
I will present to you one most terrifying Undead who has ever risen from his grave, Abhartach, an Irish lord said to be un-killable, and who is still nowadays venerated by local Adepts of Black Magick. Based on a classical European grimoire, I will show how Initiates can perform magick to recreate similar effects to those found in Abhartach.
Glamr: The Draugr Mythos Of Iceland
Here will be discussed the figure of the Vampire in the ancient Norse sagas, and how the Draugars came back after death to walk among the livings to terrorize them. The ritual contain in this chapter is extremely dangerous, and calls upon a malign entity with a strong sense of adversarialism and independence.
The Wild Hunt: The Phantom Hunters Of Wotan
Either lead by Wotan, King Arthur, Baron Hellequin, the Wild Hunt is a magical phenomena that is well known all across Europe. A carnival of specters, Vampires, and Undead of all nature, whom roam over the skies, chasing after those they can catch. In this chapter, you will learn the origin of the sorcery from an occult point of view, basing ourselves on the knowledge transmitted by German and Swedish lodges. I will also give a very unique ritual of projection to to join the Hunt and participate in one of the strongest gatherings of the Undead in existence.
The Dearg-Due: The Red Blood-Sucker of Ireland
Few spirits are more charming that the Dearg Due. In this grimoire, you will discover the Irish magic of the Vampire, and perform a reconstructed ritual to experience this Vampiric Arte from an undead feminine point of view.
The Lord Of The Forest: 15th Century France
I will reveal a truly mysterious entity, called Monsieur de La Forêt by the Southeastern French during the Renaissance. Said to be the Lord of Werewolves, this mystical figure offers the Gift of Lycanthropy to the evocator, through a blasphemous ritual that can only be performed in the wilderness. In this chapter, I divulge the secret methodology used during European Dark Age to obtain the skin of the wolf.
The Venetian Aristocracy Of The Witch City
In this grimoire, you’ll uncover the secret magick of the city that Europeans know by the nickname, Witch City. I present you the role played by Initiatic Vampirism inside the local elite nobility, and how occultists of modern time still maintain contact with the Undead Lords, whom still rule from beyond the grave. The ritual presented in this part of the book will allow you to enter into contact with those whom have transcended death through magickal means, in order to become their student.
The Order Of The Dragon
I extoll the esoteric origin of the Christian and Chivalrous order called the Order of the Reversed Dragon, as revealed by the the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage, and how a disciple of this magick used a secret methodology to call back the Emperor’s wife to a certain form a life, Barbara de Cilli. I will reveal the ritual destined to call her back from the realm where she now rules, so you may come face to face with a founder of this legendary order and pioneer of our Dark Art.
Dracula, The Vampiric Strain, And The Dark Gifts
This chapter will contain my work given to me by my predecessors related to the Vampiric Strain or Chain, and all the necessary rituals to receive the Dark Gift of Vampirism, opening inside yourself a permanent portal between you and the Adepts of the past, allowing them to live through you, while your astral Body of Black Light crystallizes into one of them.
The Dark One: The Black Swordsman
One of the most fascinating figures of this grimoire, and one of the most mysterious of the Vampiric Current, is never actually named. Appearing spontaneously to Adepts of experience, this Noctulian being always carries with him a dreadful and martial presence. Through the years, I found a way to approach him, and the benefits of such practice are immense. In this chapter, I reveal one of my most secret rituals to commune with this entity and learn the secret of combative Vampirism.
How To Create Your Own Vampiric Chain
In this part of the book, you will learn the traditional rituology that will allow a Master Adept to to create his own Vampiric Chain. Kept secret for centuries, it is published for the first time in the English language in the Encyclopædia of Wamphyrism.
Sava Savanović: The Immortal of Zarozje
One of the most feared spirits of the Balkan region, the grimoire of this chapter contains a ritual to call upon the spirit of the Great Butterfly, a lethal Undead whose thirst continues to terrorize the local residents, more than a century after the disappearance of his physical body.
Giacomo Casanova: The Occultist Of Venice
Here, we will explore the occult work of the famous Italian author from a Vampiric perspective, and talk about the foreign civilization that he describes, living in the center of the earth. I will present to you a ritual to receive guidance before making contact with the Reptile gods.
How To Make Contact With My Own Personal Mentor
In the last chapter of this lengthy master-grimoire, I will teach you how to enter into contact with my own personal mentor. The man once transmitted this profane knowledge to me, and now remains alive in Death, among those whom he once served. This ritual will transplant you in his presence, for you to become his students.
And many many more Ascended Beings, Undead Masters, and Lords and Ladies of the Undead…
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This volume is essentially a detailed list of various vampiric figures throughout history and myth. Sometimes, that's all you need. Some of them you have heard of while others, are completely new. The author does a great job explaining their history, what part of the world they hail from, and why they are important. This a great book to just pick up, turn to a page, and start reading. You're bound to always find new information that you were not aware of previously.
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