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Draugadróttinn: Lord of the Undead by N.D. Blackwood – Clothbound Hardcover First Edition

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Publisher’s description:

Please allow me to introduce myself, my vampiric name is N.D. Blackwood.

I am the modern pioneer of a violently-guarded, medieval, occult tradition of Black Magick known as Vampirism. Born and raised in central Europe, I underwent initiation as a young man in numerous underground lodges and have inherited the priceless systems of initiation and ritual within Vampirism.

My magick name, N.D. Blackwood, acts as a talisman. “N.D.” invokes my Vampiric patrons, Noctulius and Dracúl, and “Blackwood” refers to the neighboring forest wherein I hike to perform rituals of Vampirism and Necromancy.

Vampire originally derives from ubyr in Turkish, meaning “witch” or “sorcerer.”

Everyone in the world has heard of classical Vampires — the undead who prey ruthlessly on the blood of the living. However, people generally do not know that the term Vampire originally meant “witch.”

Werewolf derives from wer “man” in Old English, and thus means “wolf man.”

Lycanthropy derives from lukos “wolf” and anthropos “man,” thus meaning “wolf man” too, like werewolf.

Furthermore, everyone in the world has heard of classical werewolfs — the human mean who shapeshift into a wolf under a full moon. However, people generally do not know that Lycanthropy features a long-standing form of black magick, called shapeshifting.

When a mundane person hears the term “vampire,” they imagine a handsome, fanged, undead gentleman or lady who sucks the blood of human victims to survive. While partly accurate from a legendary perspective, the true sorcery of Vampirism far surpasses that romanticized concept. A true Magick Vampire aspires to tap into the unlimited power of the cosmos to experience physical immortality and to conquer death.

For more than 15 years, Initiatic Vampirism has been the only occult path to which I have devoted myself. I managed to synthesize the magick from every Vampiric Path together, in order to create the most complete and effective grimoire that was ever written on Magick Vampirism. This synthesis, I present it to you in my new book: Draugadróttinn. If your thirst for sustaining your spirit and conquering death is as great as mine, I invite you to embark with me in this quest for immortality as we explore this energetic phenomena from practices such as Chinese medicine, to powerful rituals transmitted for generations in some of the darkest lodges of Europe.

What follows are the 11 chapters that are presented in this grimoire:

Ch. 1 – Initiation Into Vampirism

In the first chapter of this book, we will discuss what Initiatic Vampirism is. We will study the history of this magical path, what separates serious initiation from the practice of role-play, and also the dangers it entails. We will discuss different trends that have marked this tradition. We will study the end-goal of the Vampiric Path and explain how it offers several possibilities to gain immortality, while retaining our consciousness almost eternally, long after the death of our physical bodies.

Ch. 2 – Lifeforce

In the second chapter, we will go into detail about the very nature of life energy. Drawing on both the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and the European occult tradition, I offer six simple and powerful exercises that will allow you to succeed in any Vampiric operation. In a few weeks of practice, these exercises will revolutionize your relationship to energy and health.

Ch. 3 – Preparing Your Tools

In the third chapter, we will prepare the tools of power used in the practice of Ritual Vampirism, such as the athame, the wand, and the ritual space. These rituals come from one of the oldest lodges in Europe, which hold the secrets of the Vampire Tradition. We will go through how to create the tools of ultimate power specific to this initiatory path.

Ch. 4 – The Art Of Life Drain

In the fourth chapter, we will jump straight into practice, using a dozen different methods of Vampirism. Using a detailed methodology for each of those methods, we will learn to drain the life force present in the blood of  human beings, through touch, through gaze, through any object that belonged to the person you would like to target, and by using a mirror or the flame of a candle. Through this, you will learn how it is possible to acquire health, a long life, and magical power by feeding on the vital essence contained in the blood of your prey. We will also learn how to use the act of Vampirism as a weapon for baneful magick, as well as feeding on any spiritual entity in order to absorb its abilities and powers.

Ch. 5 – The Immortal Body

In the fifth chapter, we will study Vampirism on the astral plane. We will discuss several common mental mistakes and complexities that prevent astral travel. I will then teach you a bulletproof method to achieve a state of bilocation and how to exit from the body. We will also learn to use the astral gates to meet the undead initiates as well as the deities of the blood path. Finally, we will also learn how to build a matrix on the astral plane. You will then be able to create your own temple for your Vampiric ascent.

Ch. 6 – Lycanthropy

In the sixth chapter, I will introduce you to the fundamentals of lycanthropy. We will talk about its history in Europe, from the Berzerkers and Ulfednars of the Nordic tradition, to the werewolf of medieval times. We will study several processes that allow your astral body to adopt the characteristics of a predatory beast. We will then use several shamanic rituals from the Scandinavian tradition to get in touch with your animal spirit, and to appropriate its capacities for your personal practice. To conclude this chapter, we’ll learn how to use lycanthropy to drain a target of all of their life essence by inducing a terrifying nightmare in them during your attack. This practice is one of the most effective for fast results in baneful magick.

Ch. 7 – The Dark Gods

In the seventh chapter, we will talk about the Dark Gods, and the place they occupied in the European pantheon before the arrival of Christianity. We will study the chthonic and Vampiric traits of major figures of the Nordic, Celtic, Slavic and Latin pantheons, such as Wotan, Lugh, Noctulius or Vorsh. For each spirit, I will give you precise information for evocation and communication with these Gods of Vampirism.

Ch. 8 – Ascended Vampires

In the eighth chapter, we will talk about the Vampire Tradition in Europe through the Order of the Reversed Dragon. Far from the fantasy books and the fables of crypto-zoology, we will study the history of the European families through whom the Vampire Tradition was transmitted. In this chapter, the names of the great initiates of history will be revealed, as well as a ritual allowing for your own contact with them in order to obtain their patronage.

Ch.  9 – The Path Of The Dragon

In the ninth chapter, I gave you the full rituals of the Order of the Dragon, as they were transmitted to me by some of the last members of the Green Order, one of the last Vampiric societies in Europe. After nine months of intensive practice, you will be able to make a pact with the undead members of this Vampiric strain and become one of them. You will thus enter as a living person into  the world of the undead, sharing your body with them. By this chain of affiliation, you will benefit from the powers and knowledge of all the great adepts which have joined this lineage before you. You will escape the cycle of reincarnation, and will gain immortality on the astral plane. This chapter also contains several rituals of High Vampiric Magick from this tradition.

Ch. 10 – The Mysteries Of Extraterrestrial Ways

In the tenth chapter of this book, we will deal with a perilous path: the extraterrestrial mysteries. I deliver two completely new and extremely dangerous rituals. These rituals will allow you to attract the attention of Vampiric entities or deities of extraterrestrial origin. This path is the epitome of Lovecraftian horror. By using these two rituals, you will be able to make contact with those outside our reality, and form a pact with them at your own risk.

Ch. 11 – Physical Immortality

In the last chapter of this book, we will discuss the possibility of acquiring physical immortality in your lifetime. By combining the occult methods that we have studied together with the futuristic possibilities offered by transhumanism, we will study the hypotheses of how the future can lead to eternal life and even resurrection, in our body of flesh and bones. Order your own copy of this grimoire right now and place your feet on one of the darkest and most powerful paths to immortality.

No-Bullshit Black Magician E.A. Koetting Guides You On A Chapter-By-Chapter Breakdown Of Draugadróttinn In A 3-Hour “Question & Answer” With N.D. Blackwood

Pioneer black magician and author, E.A. Koetting, guides you through an uncensored, three-hour “deep dive” into the hidden secrets, age-old mysteries, and forbidden magick of Vampirism with me in an essential, companion, video course called The Magick Vampire.

Section 1 – The Vampiric Strain

Ch. 1 Introduction
Ch. 2 What Is a Vampire?
Ch. 3 Immortality & the Vampiric Strain
Ch. 4 Noctulius & Vampiric Entities
Ch. 5 Types of Vampires & Undead Spirits
Ch. 6 Vampiric Communion Rite
Ch. 7 The Art of Energy Drain

The course begins as N.D. Blackwood explains Draugadrottenn, a dark aspect of for Norse God, Odin , known as the Lord of the Undead. The topic of what constitutes a real Vampire is elaborated upon to separate fictional vampires from pop-culture and the real Magick Vampiric Traditions of secret societies. N.D. Blackwood shares his experiences from initiators in such Vampiric Orders, including the Green Order and how these groups contain an ancient lineage of Vampiric Spirits that one can be initiated into. Blackwood then elaborates upon the differences between Necromancy and Vampirism.

We then learn about what is known as the Vampiric Chain, a legacy of past Vampires that one can connect to through initiation. The second death, a death of the astral body is explained and how Vampirism allows us to escape this through activating The Vampiric Strain. How Vampirism relates to immortality. Blackwood reveals his finding from searching through many different occult orders and societies to find immortality and the truth of Vampirism. Communicating with undead Vampire Spirits and how they revealed the secrets of life after death is then discussed for the aspiring Vampire magician. Blackwood shares his journey of how he was lead to an ancient temple of the spirit Noctulius and performed blood rites therein.

E.A. Koetting and N.D. Blackwood then share their opinions on other contemporary Vampire texts and discuss the phenomenon of Psychic Vampires. The course continues with a discussion on Blackwood’s Vampiric communion ritual and how to feed upon life-force energy. We also learn how the aspiring Vampire can work with energy in various methods of feeding in the Vampiric Current as well as how energy drain influences our physical health and the elements of magick.

Section 2 – Magick Techniques of Vampirism

Ch. 1 Vampiric Ethics
Ch. 2 Life-Force
Ch. 3 Tools of Vampirism
Ch. 4 Vampiric Pacts
Ch. 5 The Mirror
Ch. 6 The Immortal Body

The second section begins with discourse upon morals and ethics and how they fit into Vampirism. The use of what is known in Vampirism as Ancestral Energy to feed upon the life-force of other people is then explained, and we learn how this transfer of energetic substance works by literally consuming the essence of who people are. Blackwood then explains various techniques to apply Vampirism into baneful magick. He shares how to attack your enemy through Vampiric dreams techniques.

The course then explores feeding off archetypes of spirits, actual people of power in this world or egregores of them to take their energy for Vampiric power. We discover the various kinds of energy that can be fed upon and how they feel different in various magical scenarios of Vampiric practice.

Blackwood then covers some common myths and stereotypes addressing Vampires to separate fact from fiction. He answers the questions of if Vampires actually harmed by the sunlight and discusses the lore behind the assumptions and how the force of darkness itself is used as a magical tool of the vampire. We then learn more practical techniques for Vampiric ritual magick, including what physical components or tools are necessary for Vampirism and the creation of your Vampiric working space beyond one physical location.

We then will learn about how to create pacts with Vampiric demons and rites to work with them. Blackwood reveals secret practices from hidden Vampiric Orders for creating such a pact as well as different techniques for vampirism including the usage of a magical mirror to feed. The course then helps us to discover the Dark Astral Plane, home of the Vampire. The lessons continue with the Vampire’s exploration into how to work with energetic currents through nightmares upon sleeping people to feast upon their fear. This section then covers how lucid dreaming is a key to immortality in both Vampirism and Necromancy, and understanding dreaming to learn how to preserve life after death.

Section 3 – The Blood Pool: An Immortal History Of Vampirism & Lycanthropy

Ch. 1 The Undead Lords
Ch. 2 Lycanthropy
Ch. 3 The Dark Gods
Ch. 4 The Path of the Dragon
Ch. 5 The Dark Gift
Ch. 6 Extra Terrestrial Mysteries
Ch. 7 Physical Immortality

The third section of the course introduces the aspiring Vampire to the Lords of the Undead, various different kinds of Vampiric spirits and demons. We also learn of the Dark Gods, those once mortal who have become deified after death as Vampiric spirits that can be communicated with such as Noctulius. Blackwood then shares his vast knowledge on different historical Vampiric lineages and how to work with them. Learning about the power of Vampiric influence then continues with how popular brands, politicians and other famous people also do work with Vampirism to gain energy.

Blackwood explains the connection between Vampirism and Lycanthropy and the lore of werewolves. We learn about how these entities are essential to Vampiric transformation. You will learn how to use lycanthropy to discover your various animal forms, how to learn what they mean, and learn to use their. unique abilities in your own Vampiric Rites. The course continues with information on the Dark Gods including Odin who is known as the Lord of the Vampires and how other entities such as Lucifer can also bear a Vampiric current. Discover historical Vampires including Vlad Tepes that we can get in contact with as our initiators into the Vampiric Current. We learn about their history and how these people’s lives included dark sorcery before their death. Blackwood shares his direct experience with learning from societies such as the Green Order, where they utilized the Book of Abremalin for the Vampiric Revival. These figures have transformed beyond the human spirit after their death into dark Vampiric entities.

The Path of the Dragon is revealed to us and we discover how the dragon through ancient mysteries represents immortality. A Vampire is a living dragon, their ascended self becomes the spirit of the dragon. Ceremonies from magical European orders that developed this current further into Vampirism. We then learn of the Dark Gift, the process of becoming a Vampire and how it changes us in every way. Inspired by a ritual from the Green Order and the Order of the Dragon from the Middle Ages, the aspiring Vampire will learn how to call upon these Ascended Vampires to make a pact with them and become one of them. In this dark rite, your body is offered to the members of this chain’s lineage and you astral body is linked to this blood pool forever.

The course then reveals Blackwood’s most dangerous Vampiric Rite: two past participants have passed away after they had gone through with undertaking this twisted rite to connect with entities beyond our universe and reality and he explains what happened to those who’s minds broke afterwards. Blackwood explains the mysterious origins of this dark current with the Sumerian & Lovecraftian folklore of the Great Old Ones and their extra-terrestrial connection with Vampirism. The course concludes with how Vampirism leads to the path of physical immortality, transhumanism and the future of technology in spiritual practice to live forever.

Vampiric Gods have existed since the dawn of European civilization. The traditional folk-vampirology of Slavic Eastern Europe and mysteries of werewolf cults of Scandinavia from the Middle Ages have always been presided over by dark deities. The exact nature of these entities is hard to define. Vampirism and lycanthropy exist in the European subconscious since a time before the arrival of the Celt. The same can be said for many of these particular deities as well. They simply changed their name, depending on the time period and various tribal groups that incorporated them into their own pantheons.

The Saturnian One was seen during antiquity as the source of power for many groups that would today be considered on the sinister path. He represents the God of the aristocratic warrior priests and sorcerers that were present in each ethnic group in Europe, the Master of Mysteries who rules through magical power. He has the traits of a sovereign entity with shamanic power and he is the ferocious and sinister Lord of Storms and Shapeshifting. He has many aspects, both creative and destructive. Thought to be the master of the world order, he also possessed the secrets of the dead, being a shapeshifter and a wizard, traveling between worlds. His children are the Draugars, the Vulkodlaks, the Nachtotters, the Alps , the Varcolaccis, the undead, and the savage spirits of sorcerers that drink the life essence of living beings to prolong their own life in the dark corners of the Astral Plan, where they established real kingdoms and hunting fields.

For those who embark on the path of a Vampiric Pact, there is no way back. The pact will align the vibratory rate of the practitioner with that of the undead members of this strain of vampires, gradually transforming you into one of their own. The astral and mental bodies of the adept then will undergo a process of crystallization, thus provoking a phenomenon of definitive rupture with their superior bodies.

What Can A Devoted Sorcerer & Black Witch Expect From The Elder Gods Of Vampirism?

For more than a decade, I have dedicated my life to the Cult of the Undead. I can guarantee that it is one of the blackest, most dreadful yet also one the most powerful forms of magick. It will lead the adept into achieving the peak of their powers, slowly transforming you into a predatory being. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the gifts that the vampiric gods offer to those brave enough to accept them.

  1. Life-Drain Power: As a member of the Vampiric Current, you will develop a hunger for human energy, calling you to feed. By creating a pact with the Dark Gods, you will be able to draw immense quantities of energy from your target.
  2. Guidance of the Undead Gods: The Undead Gods will be at your side, drinking through your mouth and seeing through your eyes. The will share their essence and wisdom with you, transforming your life into a pathway of will and power through Vampirism.
  3. Astral Journeys: The Vampiric Gods will become your guides through astral travel.
  4. Lycanthropy & Shapeshifting Powers: The pact will make your ability to shapeshift on the astral plain far easier, allowing the energetic structure of your astral matrix to transform into the frightening form of your choice.
  5. Work with your Totemic Animal: Opening yourself to the Vampiric Current will strengthen your bound with your totemic animal, allowing you to tap into its power for lycanthropic operations.
  6. Boost your Occult Powers: The essence of your Vampiric Patrons will flow inside you, boosting your occult abilities, as well as your personal magnetism.
  7. Initiation into The Vampiric Strain of Afterlife Immortality: After the death of your physical body, the link established with the Dark Gods will continue to exist. Your astral body will continue to exist in the astral realm and feed on the living.

What Will The Dark Gods Expect From You?

  1. Magick Dedication: Becoming one of their students is a privilege. The Vampiric Gods placing their attention on you will make them expect that you develop the powers they have implanted in you.
  2. Vampiric Energy Pool: The Vampiric Strain acts as pool, where the energy is shared between the magicians who collected it from their target, and the undead that surround them. You will be expected to add to the pool to share with the Vampiric Strain.
  3. Dedicated Altar: A place in your home as a sign of dedication—you will need to erect an altar in your home, and my grimoire Draugadróttinn helps you with this, of course.


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Draugadróttinn: Lord of the Undead by N.D. Blackwood - Clothbound Hardcover First Edition Draugadróttinn: Lord of the Undead by N.D. Blackwood - Clothbound Hardcover First Edition
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This is the book that started the Vampiric Trilogy. It's a short volume, but packed with vital information. Most of it is focused on the rituals of vampirism so in that sense, it's very practical to people who wish to tread that path. A very interesting read, although I personally prefer the latter books in the series. This is an excellent tome to pick up if you desire to go down the road of vampiric life.

1 week ago

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