Aeon Sophia Press, 2012. First Edition [ Sink / Descend Edition ]. Hardcover. Octavo. 190pp. Fine maroon silk, gilt illustration by Kyle Fite to upper board, gilt lettering to spine, black endpapers, bibliography. Edition limited to 50 hand-numbered copies. From the publisher:
“Through cross-disciplinary scholarly research, Vadge Moore presents a solidly-grounded philosophical worldview centered around the chthonic – an unapologetically dark, nihilistic mysticism which does not require the dependent counterbalance of a benevolent “God” to assert itself. Chthonic: Prose & Theory delineates Moore’s idiosyncratic, previously unexplored means by which to approach an all-inclusive understanding of the Absolute; not by self-effacing penitence and sublimation to a supposedly munificent God, but through the sin-drenched Left-Hand path of the Devil.
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CHTHONIC PROSE & THEORY by Vadge Moore - Limited Edition Hardcover