ZAKAEL: The Stargate of Kryst by Jon Vermilion – Signed Hardcover Edition


ZAKAEL: The Stargate of Kryst by Jon Vermilion – Signed Hardcover Edition

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Signed hardcover 2nd edition, 222 pages, 6×9. Book is in new unread condition.

Published by Gateway Publications


From the publisher:

Zakael: The Stargate of Kryst, is the second book by Author Jon vermilion which dives further into the ritual aspects of Asaya Ka Luxa. The deeper meditations and visualizations bring you on a deep self discovery and transmutation while building and consecrating a “Black Mirror” for meditation and connecting to the Zakael Star-gate, assisting with inner work and self discovery. This mirror is precisely tuned to open the Gateways of Higher Consciousness. Expanding on concepts written about in “Asaya Ka Luxa”, it brings the reader deeper into the ritual aspects, the entities who oversee the gateway, and how to work with them to aid in expanding your consciousness and awareness of self.

The pages include 52 main archetypes which are present around the mirror which the aspirant meditates and visualizes the symbols to anchor them into their energy body, creating a deeper connection to the Gateway. This year long meditation practice brings the reader into a deep self reflection, tuning them into the right energies to start building and consecrating the mirror.

A “magical script” is explained and how to utilize it, Containing 36 letters which correlate to the Decons of Astrology and correlate to a galactic level of cosmology. This script is explained and deciphered giving proper pronunciation of each letter and how they correlate to Proper words and incantations. Using the language, connects you deeper into the energies of the Star-gate and connects ones Vibration to the Lyran/Angelic Energies that will be assisting you.

Included are many ritual items and how they are made, used, and how to consecrate and infuse every item properly . Through out the text quotes and communications had between the energies who interact through the gate are included, bringing the reader deeper into the energy and mind set of such entities which were lightly talked about in the book “Asaya Ka Luxa”. Creating a more personal connection.

It is the intent of the author, that bringing this information out, allows others to return themselves to the state of salvation during the times foretold as “Armageddon” or “End Times”. Thus, Guiding them into the higher levels of consciousness of their true god-self; through the use of the Zakael Star-gate and connecting with the levels of consciousness which oversee it.

At an estimated 300 pages and over 70 symbols and sigils, Zakael : The star-gate of Kryst is a complete ritual practice that an aspirant can apply and dedicate themselves to for deep transformation on the mental, emotional, and DNA level of their being.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Star-gates and the Inner Planes
  • Decree of the law of one
  • DNA – Salvation of the Soul
  • Subconscious Dream Worlds
  • The Lyran Script – The Language of Light
  • Written Telepathy – Mental and Emotional
  • 52 Archetypes – Meditations
  • 36 Letters of the Written script
  • Relations to the Decons in Egyptian Astrology
  • Translation of the Written Script
  • Intoning the KRYSTALA Vibration
  • Ritual Items –
  • The chalice
  • The candles
  • The Stones
  • Herbs and Incense
  • Creation and Consecration of the Mirror
  • Black Moon, White Moon, Solar Calendar
  • Building the Base
  • Consecrating the Base – Electrical and Magnetic Activation
  • Consecration of the Mirror – Jupiter Corridor
  • Opening the Gateway
  • Invocation of Zakael – Merging with ETi
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix – Color Chart
  • Appendix – Angelic Solar Calendar
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