Liber Infernos Invernar by Baron and Baronessa Araignee – Hardcover Edition


Liber Infernos Invernar by Baron and Baronessa Araignee – Hardcover Edition

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This is a revised hardcover edition published in 2021,  120 pages, book is in fine condition.

The first written work available to the public from Baron and Baronessa Araignee, Liber Infernos Invernar was directly inspired and guided by Lord Belial and is by far one of the darkest grimoires in existence. This book was written during Demonic channeling, and includes a fully workable system of magick including divination that was never before seen. This grimoire is a must have for serious practitioners of the Left-Handed Path.

The Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • The Great Curse
  • The Black God Speaks
  • Hell Beckons (Preparations to Infernal Rites)
  • The Infernal Tools
  • The Abyssmal Alchemy (The Gate of Calling)
  • The Black Gods (Seals, Calling and Uses)
  • The Oracles of Asbeel (Stygian Divination)
  • The Crimson Scroll (Spells and Formulae)
  • The Sibliant Lexicon
  • On Closing
  • Glossary

As presented above (the Table of Contents), all of the sorcery within this book will not be found written in any grimoire. The Oracles of Asbeel is not a conventional method of divination as it is completely different from most. As also mentioned before, this grimoire is suggested to more advanced practitioners – however, novices are welcome to peruse the book with caution. This book contains a lot of spells and arcane formulae that is not for the faint of heart.

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