Here is a look at the bestelling esoteric and occult books at Miskatonic Books as compiled in our weekly list. To all those who have purchased a book from our weekly bestsellers, thank you for being an integral part of this journey into the realms of the unknown. Your support is a beacon that guides us as we continue to explore the depths of esoteric knowledge and share the timeless wisdom that lies within these books.
THE HEKATAEON by Jack Grayle – MEDEA Edition Trade Hardcover
Book is published by Grayle Press and distributed by Miskatonic Books Book Details: Unlimited trade hardcover edition 10 beautiful illustrations by artist Rowan E. Cassidy Full-color photographs of ritual tools Over 400 pages, 8”x10” Gray Silk-Touch cover and red foil stamping Ribbon bookmark and head & tail bands Colored endpapers Published by Grayle Press
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THE HOURS: The Καταρχαί of Hygromanteia (Limited Hardcover)
This book is in new, unread condition. Published by Hadean Press.
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LIBER UMBRARUM: Book of Shadows (Limited Hardcover)
Hardcover edition is limited to 300 copies, and is covered in black buckram and stamped on the cover and spine in gold. Book is in new, unread condition. Published by Hadean Press.
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MODERN DEMONOLATRY: Goetia Without Tears by W. Adam Mandelbaum (Limited Hardcover)
Limited to 333 hand-numbered hardcover copies w/ signed bookplate. This book is in new, unread condition. Published by Infernal House.
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OFFERING TO ISIS: Knowing the Goddess Through Her Sacred Symbols by M. Isidora Forrest – Limited Edition Hardcover
This is a limited edition hardcover of only 650 hand numbered copies, bound in cloth, with gilded foil stamping, sewn in ribbon marker, 412 pages, beautifully laid out in two colors and fully indexed. Published by Azoth Press. This book is a pre-order, and is currently already in production. Tentative release date: April 17, 2025.…
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ARCA ARCANORUM (The Secret of Secrets) by Arthur Dee – Limited Edition Hardcover
A fine hardback edition limited to 700 hand-numbered copies. Printed in full colour on Munken Pure Rough 120gsm and bound in genuine reconstituted leather, with coloured endpapers and ribbon, and coloured illustrations. Book is in new unread condition. Published by Aula Lucis Press.
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The Mephistophelian Trilogy: A Draconian Autobiography by Thomas Karlsson – Limited Edition Hardcover
One of only 200 hardcover limited edition copies. 5×8 in size with 481 pages, sewn in ribbon marker Book is in new unread condition. Published by Manus Sinistra
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THAI OCCULT 1 by Jenx – Limited Edition Hardcover
One of only 500 hand numbered limited edition hardcovers. Bound in crimson cloth with sewn in ribbon marker, with Phra Ngang foil stamp and illustrated endpaper. Book is approximately 666 pages, 6×9, and is heavily illustrated and printed on archival laminated paper. Book is in new unread condition. Published by Araxes Press.
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SEMESILAM: The Eternal Sun – Limited Edition Hardcover
Limited edition of approximately 1,300 hardcover copies. Book is in new unread condition Published by Anathema Publishing
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THE TAROT OF MARSILIO Volume 1: Down Here by Christophe Poncet (Limited Edition Hardcover)
Limited to 875 copies, bound in sky blue cloth stamped in gold on spine and front, and with an onlay of The Fool, carmine endpapers and ribbon. Printed in color on premium 150 gsm paper. Illustrated throughout in colour. Published by Scarlet Imprint. Book is in new unread condition.
In stock
A Thank You Note From Miskatonic Books!

Thank you to all our loyal community members for purchasing a title on our Bestelling Esoteric and Occult books list this past week!
Every week, Miskatonic Books offers readers a chance to explore the hidden wisdom of ancient traditions and unravel the threads of the mysterious tapestry that weaves through the occult. This bestseller list serves as a gateway to knowledge that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary, inviting seekers to expand their understanding of the mystical arts.
—Larry Roberts & the Miskatonic Books Staff