Here is a look at the bestelling esoteric and occult books at Miskatonic Books as compiled in our weekly list. To all those who have purchased a book from our weekly bestsellers, thank you for being an integral part of this journey into the realms of the unknown. Your support is a beacon that guides us as we continue to explore the depths of esoteric knowledge and share the timeless wisdom that lies within these books.
THE HEKATAEON by Jack Grayle – MEDEA Edition Trade Hardcover
Book is published by Grayle Press and distributed by Miskatonic Books Book Details: Unlimited trade hardcover edition 10 beautiful illustrations by artist Rowan E. Cassidy Full-color photographs of ritual tools Over 400 pages, 8”x10” Gray Silk-Touch cover and red foil stamping Ribbon bookmark and head & tail bands Colored endpapers Published by Grayle Press
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SEMESILAM: The Eternal Sun – Limited Edition Hardcover
Limited edition of approximately 1,300 hardcover copies. Book is in new unread condition Published by Anathema Publishing
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ASAYA KA LUXA: Created by God, in a Body of Light by Jon Vermilion – Royal Edition Hardcover
Hardcover 80lb Matte Coated Paper Full Color 354 Pages 5.5×8.5″ Book is in new unread condition Published by The Violet Gateway
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DE NATURA RERUM (On the Nature of Things) by Paracelsus – Limited Edition Hardcover
Limited edition hardcover of only 500 hand numbered copies. Book is in new unread condition. Published by Aula Lucis
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GATEWAYS THROUGH STONE AND CIRCLE by Frater Ashen Chassan 10 year Anniversary Edition – Limited Edition Hardcover
Limited edition hardcover of only 1,000 copies. 6×9, 200pp, cloth bound, with foilstamp, and sewn in satin ribbon marker. Introduction by Dr. Stephen Skinner and new foreword by the author. Book has been completely re-typeset, with many new illustrations. New unread condition Published by Araxes Press
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The Magical Art: Wellcome MS.983 by Aaman Lamba – Hardcover Edition
Hardcover edition, 194 pages, dimensions 7 x 10 inches. Manuscript images by S. Aldarnay. Book is in new unread condition Published by Hadean Press limited
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THAI OCCULT 1 by Jenx – Limited Edition Hardcover
One of only 500 hand numbered limited edition hardcovers. Bound in crimson cloth with sewn in ribbon marker, with Phra Ngang foil stamp and illustrated endpaper. Book is approximately 666 pages, 6×9, and is heavily illustrated and printed on archival laminated paper. Book is in new unread condition. Published by Araxes Press.
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DIABOLIC GNOSTICISM: Mythos & Philosophy by Christophe Kafyrfos (Limited Edition Hardcover)
Standard Edition : Limited to 300 copies, this hardcover edition is bound in red Italian cloth, with the book’s title embossed in gold on the front cover. The spines are hand-sewn and have a ribbon bookmark, with red end-papers. Specifications: Octavo size (148 x 210 mm.), 120 g. voluminous two side-coated paper with 140 g. black…
Only 1 left in stock
ORDER OF THE SKELETON KEY by Jeremy Christner (Hardcover Edition)
Book is in fine condition. Published by Aeon Sophia Press. Standard Edition: dark grey linen bound hardcover, with silver lettering printed to the spine and a silver foil sigil printed to the front cover. The revised and updated new edition of the Order of the Skeleton Key is now a larger sized format book being 148 mm width…
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Santa Muerte and Necromancy: Liber Tenebrae Magna by Zulqarnayn XIII – Limited Edition Hardcover
Limited edition hardcover of only 333 hand numbered copies. 398 pages, 6.25 x 8.5 in size. Book is in new unread condition Published by Sauroctonos Publishing
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A Thank You Note From Miskatonic Books!

Thank you to all our loyal community members for purchasing a title on our Bestelling Esoteric and Occult books list this past week!
Every week, Miskatonic Books offers readers a chance to explore the hidden wisdom of ancient traditions and unravel the threads of the mysterious tapestry that weaves through the occult. This bestseller list serves as a gateway to knowledge that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary, inviting seekers to expand their understanding of the mystical arts.
—Larry Roberts & the Miskatonic Books Staff